We promise to deliver quality and value with every product that we carry, so every item in this e-shop is covered by a 12 month warranty that comes in the form of a Handbag Certificate.
Almost every product on TimeResistance.com is made from full grain leather, most of the products are vegetable tanned and dyed by hand. Each product may vary slightly in color or texture, due to the particularity of the tanning process and the natural products used. We do not consider it a defect, but rather a token of uniqueness. To ensure the authenticity of our products, we provide a Certificate of Guarantee. This guarantees that our leather has been tanned exclusively with natural tannins of vegetable origin and does not contain substances prohibited by law. Tannin extracts are the fundamental ingredients of the slow tanning process and give the best quality. Each item is carefully crafted and undergoes accurate quality control. Small veins, wrinkles and imperceptible scratches that eventually present on the leather prove its naturalness, rendering each skin one of a kind.
If any problem occurs with the product received, which indicates a necessity of repair, contact us by email care@timeresistance.com and we will repair your product within 1 week of delivery to us.